M̶i̶n̶i̶m̶a̶p̶ ̶C̶r̶e̶a̶t̶o̶r̶ ̶[̶R̶o̶R̶e̶n̶d̶e̶r̶]̶ DEPRECATED

I tried the new version and was able to get it to work. Much appreciation for the updated version.

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I have tried your version and it is working good, but when I try render a 6500x6500 (some where around this size) image, it throws me an error at about Line Received: 1150/6500.

The error is HTTP 413 entity too large, it could be because the image is too large or something, but it keeps happening around there as stated above every time I try it.
It works well when it renders smaller areas so I am guessing the error is happening because of the size.

After reading your post again I think I found a solution, I will try it when I get home. I will try setting the Line Per Assign to 1.

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This version’s render limit is a bit lower than the original version, you can set the lines per assign to 1, that will increase the limit up to 10k-12k, after that you will have to render your map in pieces and piece them together. As mentioned in this post, I will make this process automated eventually.


This should no longer be an issue. The .zip file in the original reply has been updated and the max HTTP size has been increased to 3mb from 1mb default, so the only thing limiting you now is the Roblox string limit which is about 200k characters turns out this limit is only for string properties, you can have as large maps as your computer can handle, there is no string limit on variables, you should be able to render maps up to 8000x8000 with LinesPerAssign = 2, change it to 1 to render up to 16k.

Report if you have any issues.



Thank you, I am gonna try it right now and either edit this message or reply again when its done. :slight_smile:


It is now working, rendered a 6738x6738 image last night!

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The properties:

Starting Position,
Ending Position,
Pixel Size X,
Pixel Size Y

can now be edited from within the GUI, updating these will update all the related properties automatically as well as the draggers. Make sure the formatting is correct when you change them.



You can now drag the draggers freely. To drag freely hold left mouse button on the center of the dragger and move your mouse to drag it.

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To make it work on make, just duplicate the .bat file and rename it to .sh
it’ll also work on linux that way…
With their .sh file they can

  1. open it
  2. type sh into the terminal and then drag the file in.
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Are you sure it does? Pretty sure Windows command prompt commands do not work on Mac.

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Do you have a GitHub for the node.js stuff?
If so, as I’m fluent in it, I’ll just send a PR.

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Ro-Render Remastered now works on Mac. Make sure to update the plugin and download the updated files from here.

Execute the Windows version if you are on Windows. Execute the Mac version if you are on Mac.

The plugin has been updated as well, the areas where the ray doesn’t hit anything are rendered transparent instead of black.


I’ve found a bug, parts that are invisible are rendered as black boxes on the image. (That whole black area is an invisible part on the map)


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That’s a bug with the original plugin as well I believe, just download a copy of your place. Then delete all the invisible parts.

Might push a fix for it later though. For now delete all parts with a transparency of 1 or more.



Transparent parts are no longer rendered.

Renders with a Y Pixel Size less than 499 will render much faster, bigger renders will take more time due to Roblox HttpService limits.

Default value of LinesPerAssign has been changed to 1. Refer to the original post for details.

Make sure to download the updated .zip file.



anyone know how to solve this? should i use a smaller image?

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Thank you for updating this! The old java one was a pain to use.
Glad you added a way enter in a position for how big to render on a plugin instead of using the draggers, helps with having to render a 30,000x30,000 map :smiley:


Delete all transparent parts in your game, until I fix this.

Here is a simple script I use to delete all transparent parts. Make a new script in workspace with the following code in it. Do not run this in the command bar unless you have a copy of your game.

Edit: This bug has been fixed you no longer need to do this.

for i,v in pairs(workspace:GetDescendants()) do
	if ((v:IsA("BasePart")) and (v.ClassName ~= "Terrain") and (v.Transparency >= 1)) then

Doesn’t work… ‘HTTPService: ConnectFail’. I have HTTPService enabled. Not sure why it isn’t workin’

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It is working for me and everyone else. Did you even start the .zip file?

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Oh, I thought the plugin was like a thing u could use instead.

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