“Tracker” - Makes a Local Raycast to find a Player.
“Hint” - Shows a Hint on the Top of the Player’s Screen, that can act as a Reminder (“g” = Shows Globaly, “player name” = Only shows for the Player that has the Name on the Command)
“Message” - Shows a Message on the Center of the Player’s Screen (“g” = Shows Globaly, “player name” = Only shows for the Player that has the Name on the Command)
please for the love of god don’t use github only to store release rbxm files
i’ve opened up a pull request that converts the admin system into a rojo project:
However if you wish to use Discord for logging, you should be able to make a plugin to do this, although I wouldn’t recommend it as it may spam the webhook if a ton of people are executing commands.
in serverscriptservice i’d add a players.playeradded:connect, with a check to see if he owns the VIP server with that, or just in the straight API module?
i have a simple question, why did you add in, Command:SetExecuteFunction(function(Player: API.RegisteredPlayer,arg1: string,arg2: {[number]: API.RegisteredPlayer}) --// Function to run when this command is executed
print("Command executed, arguments: ",Player,arg1,arg2)
return API:CreateReturnObject(true,“Hello from this command!”)
i’ve got a question, when you have a stringtype that is a player, it will show @me@others@players etc, but how can I do that with a normal string to show up the options?