Make a sound local only?

@Darkwulf7777 if this post is the solution, mark it as the solution like this if someone have the same problem they’ll see the solution box and go see the solution.

I speak about this post:


That was not the solution. It was an error that I had using local scripts, and super helpful. But I still dont know how to make this a local sound.


Maybe you can search a tutorial on YouTube, I think there are a lot of tutorials for this. Wait, don’t search, I’ll go search by myself then I’ll tell you :+1:t2:

Edit: I’m so sorry I said I’ll search for you buut… I totally forgot… I’m very sorry about that…


I have been testing with local sounds and it seems that you can only play local Sounds using StarterGui and SoundService, ill update you when i find a way

Play the sound using a LocalScript to make it local only.

It doesnt work when i tried that, I then tried using SoundService and got the same result

Have you tried testing it with multiple clients in the same server?

I have found a Solution!

Put a LocalScript into StarterGui, then add a Sound Into SoundService, then Play the sound Using the ProximityPromopt.


Proof it works:

If it’s the solution mark it as the solution!

im not the OP, i cant mark it.

Oh ok. But in the video there is only you so we can’t know if other players will hear it.

I believe it does, i explained what to do. and showed proof it works.

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I tried making a local script inside the part. Why wont this script play the sound locally? It wont play it at all. If I make this a regular script it plays the sound globally fine.

local prompt = script.Parent.ProximityPrompt
local debounce = false

	local nogold = script.Parent.nogold

	if not debounce then

		debounce = true

		if player.leaderstats.Gold.Value <= script.Parent.Gold.Value then

		debounce = false


Like i said, put the local script into StarterGui, then path a Variable to the ProximityPrompt,

I have tested it out, it works.


Thanks. I did what you said and it worked. But I put it in starter player scripts.

Its better to put it inside the StarterGui, so the Game doesnt just clone the Instance

I’m so sorry, I totally forgot to search a video that explain… Excuse me @Darkwulf7777 ! :heart: