I understand, thank you for the detailed response. I actually tried offseting mousehitposition but to no avail, didnt try it the way you just showed, let me try and come back
The issue in the video disappeared, but arrow once again flies lower than the mouse cursor is. Perhaps we could change just the Z offset of mouse hit position? Or maybe make it fly to currentCameralookVector, but again with a given offset. It is just unclear to me how to apply offset to a lookvector, since it is not a normal vector3, but rather weird decimals that i have no clue how are calculated
this should be a mix of the cameras look vector and the direction to the mouse hit
local speed = 4
-- get the cameraUpVector
local cameraUpVector = workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame.UpVector
-- get the cameraRightVector
local cameraRightVector = workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame.RightVector
-- get the directionUpVector
local directionLookVector = (mouse.Hit.Position - arrow.Position).Unit
local directionRightVector = cameraUpVector:Cross(directionLookVector)
local directionUpVector = directionLookVector:Cross(directionRightVector)
-- use the cameras right vector and the directions up vector to workout a new vector
local direction = cameraRightVector:Cross(directionUpVector)
arrow.LinearVelocity.VectorVelocity = direction * speed
arrow.LinearVelocity.Enabled = true
Thank you so much for your consistent effort, I think this will work, unable to try right now since im at another location than the computer. Anyway marking as solution for now. I’ll try tomorrow, and if this doesnt work, ill mark as solution your answer that it is impossible.
Which is the reason for the first variable. It converts the 2D position to a 3D ray.
This gives error at line
local directionLookVector = (mouse.Hit.Position.Y - arrow.Position.Y).Unit
Attempt to index number with unit
Oops forgot to remove the .Y from the positions
I updated the message with the correct code