Make the Player appear on screen

Hi, in the image seen below, you’ll see the player. How would I do that with the player’s character? I don’t even know where to start

They most likely are using a viewport frame, and inserting the character into it. I don’t exactly remember if the character does their default animations, but if so, that would lead it to being a WorldModel

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I think that is a ViewportFrame? Or maybe a WorldModel.

@DarkDanny04, i was gonna say the same thing, and i did XD

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any part or mesh you parent to a ViewportFrame GUI will show it on screen.

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This most likely isn’t using ViewportFrames as it’s animated.

Ah okay. I don’t exactly remember how that screen looks in arsenal, but if it is animated, they used a WorldModel

Where can I get info on WorldModel?

There is this announcement made with the release of WorldModel. WorldModel Is Now Available
It is just an instance that you can insert into your game. It has the same image as the workspace icon.

I guess, you could clone the character locally, and put it in front of the camera, that’s how Arsenal do that, but if you don’t want to do too much stuff, then clone the Character and parent it to a ViewportFrame. Thanks for reading.

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Models can be animated in viewportframes however, its a tad hacky as it involves updating per frame or so. However, an easier method which is also somewhat hacky is smacking the player/character model infront of the screen with the animation playing. This doesn’t neccessarily require updating per frame (only the location of the rootpart if the camera is moving).

However, if its got blurry edges and odd lighting and so on, its a viewportframe.