Make unanchored parts not falling on Z Axis

Is there a reason why you specifically want it to be unanchored?

He wants a simple free-falling part, just to have it constrained to a plane because it’s a 2D platformer game.

Emily had a great solution, use a body position and set the max force on the x and y axes to 0.

Because it depends on player movements, it is something weird to understand tho, but the player is not on it but holding it

And what should I put for the Z Axis ? math.huge?

Because I read this in the 9th post, but what will this do basically?

Exactly, put math.huge for the z axis and then choose some z value for the part’s position. This will allow the part to freely move on the x and y axis but not on the Z axis.

I’m coming back on this: I have still one problem: the bodyPosition makes positions calculations laggier and so sometimes parts are moving and then freezing in the air and then moving again. The other problem I have is that it does not lose speed (or did I badly configure it?). The unanchored part is attached with a rope and when it starts to move, it will never stop unless another part forces the movement to stop.

Any idea on that?

Btw, because I’m checking replies, this doesn’t work: Part:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Position"):Connect() doesn’t work since changes to Position don’t fire

Here is the solution: Plane | Roblox Creator Documentation

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