Make walk animation speed change dependant on walk speed

Title is self explanitory, i thought this was already included but i noticed while making acceleration on my character, the speed stays the exact same, how can i change this?

Using a custom walk animation

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I’m guessing you should read this:

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I can’t really do anything with this, rather i dont know what to do with it

Well, I just did a search for “walk animation relative to walk speed” and the first hit was @R0bl0x10501050’s post: Enhanced Sprint System

You do realize that the Scripting Support forum isn’t for asking people to make scripts for you?

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I never said this. Please look through my post history, i never ask for scripts from other people. I found some decent ways to do what i needed to do this morning. quiet yourself


If you did find a way to do it then it would help others to post how you solved it so if they search they will find an actual solution.

There was nothing in your post that stated you had a script or had even tried making one.
If you only needed help with your script it then posting the section you needed help with would have cleared up any confusion.
Also, you’re saying that anyone reading your post has to check your previous post history to see whether or not you’ve ever asked for entire scripts?

This statement is what led me to believe that you hadn’t even tried scripting it yourself.

Telling me to quiet myself when all I’ve tried to do is help you is pretty rude.


I didnt actually find a fix my man. Roblox kind of solved itself with a update. It was quite convenient but i did actually try scripting it myself. I spent a couple hours to no avail. I was quite angry at the time considering im a stickler for details.

I asked at the time for a method or some sort of way. I had done extensive research at the time and was really tired.

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