Making a built-in TAS system

So, I’m working on a hard obby in Roblox, so hard that I myself won’t even be able to beat it. However, if I can’t beat it, there is no way I can know if it is possible or not. What I’m thinking of doing is coding an NPC so it can beat the obby for me, I can adjust the NPC to do frame-perfect jumps that I would not be able to do myself. The issue is, I have no clue how I would go about doing this. Sure, I could use humanoid:MoveTo() for basic walking, but what about jumping, or shift-lock turning?

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Yeah um, unless you are insanely advanced you won’t be able to make that, lol.

Hypothetically, it shouldn’t be anymore advanced than say, making a car in Roblox, there are already built in ways to make NPCs move. And yeah, I probably wouldn’t be able to make this all by myself unless I was 100x better at scripting, but hey, thats why I am asking people who are better than me, I know that there is a way to accomplish my task, but I don’t know what that way is. But yes, you do have a point

Yeah, no. Making a car is really easy compared to this. For example, how will you make it do ladder jumps and that stuff? Exactly, you can’t.

Well, scripts inside of RobloxStudio are pre-made when a new game is made which determines how the player functions and stuff. Technically, players are just built-in TAS systems that the player controls, what I’m making is a built-in TAS system that the developer controls instead of the player.

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No, I am saying hard parkour moves, like jumping around a wall.

Check this out. ReplayService - Replay Your Best Moments. Any Place, Any Time. (Pre-Release Version Available)

Jumping is Humanoid.Jump = true, shift lock should be pretty easy, but you’re gonna need an AI for this which just tries to get as far as possible over and over. Two issues:

  • Are you willing to wait a month until it’s trained? lol
  • And if you are, have you mastered neural networks?