Making a kind of minimap, don't know where to start

Hello! I’m working on something for a group and the idea is this: A static image (A top down view of the map via an image not a camera.) with player positions being represented by triangles. I don’t want the map to follow the player.

Something like this:

However I don’t know how I would take player positions in the 3D space and project them onto the 2D GUI accurately, any help?


Plum's minimap - Rotating map, bordersnapping blips and more! Maybe this would help, the battle royale template also has a mini map Minimap System | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub Battle Royale | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub

I’ve seen and tried those but they work entirely differently from what I want, they base the map off of the player position (Which I don’t want.)

So the GUI is 2d meaning you only need 2 coordinates, that being X and Z

Now, how to convert the position of the world into the GUI? First figure out the size of the GUI, im just gonna say (200, 50) for this explanation. Then figure out the size of the area your minimap is supposed to cover, ill give a random number like (1200, 600)

GUI Size: (200, 50)
Map Size: (1200, 600)

Now divide the Map Size by the GUI Size

1200 / 200 = 6
600 / 50 = 12

To get an accurate projection of the player positions in the 3d space on to the 2d space, you must divide the 3d X by 6 and the 3d Y by 12.

If I was at Map Position (500, 200), I would be at the middle left of the minimap.

I’m not too sure this is the correct explanation but you can go and test this out, this was from the top of my head, ask questions


This is literally exactly what I’m looking for thank you!

Of this, what do you mean the size of the minimap? The size of the ImageGUI that has the map in it? And the GUI size is the ScreenGui?

yes i mean the size of the imagegui that has the map in it

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Would this work for using scale?

So the minimap size is the imagegui with the map on it, what’s the GUIsize?

the guisize is the size of the imagelabel, the minimap is the imagelabel and the map size is the size of the map being represented by the minimap, for your first question you probably have to do more math to convert it

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Helo Shiver, This is a mini-map I recently made. It follows the player around the map with an arrow showing which direction they are pointing. The map has 3 modes: hidden, small, and large that the player cycles through by clicking the M-key. A screenshot and the map structure are shown below. The script RunContext is Client. I try to size and position everything with Scale (not Offset) so it is easy to resize and position things.

local UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService")

local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local character = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
local humanoid = character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
local rootPart = character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart")

local guiMap = player.PlayerGui:WaitForChild("ScreenGuiMap")
local guiMapFrame = guiMap:WaitForChild("Frame")
local guiMapMap = guiMapFrame:WaitForChild("ImageLabelMap")
local guiMapCursor = guiMapFrame:WaitForChild("ImageLabelCursor")

local positionX
local positionZ

local terrainSizeX = 8192 -- uploaded terrain size  
local terrainSizeZ = 8192 

local mapState = "small" -- off, small, large in that order
local function updateMap()
	if UserInputService:IsKeyDown(Enum.KeyCode.M) then
		if mapState == "small" then
			guiMap.Enabled = true
			mapState = "large"
			guiMapFrame.Size =, 0, 0.45, 0)
		elseif mapState == "large" then
			mapState = "off"
			guiMap.Enabled = false
			guiMap.Enabled = true
			mapState = "small"
			guiMapFrame.Size =, 0, 0.15, 0)


-- the following logic is to prevent the loop from running both in StarterGui and Players/player/PlayerGui
local loop = false
if script:FindFirstAncestorOfClass("PlayerGui") then loop = true end

while loop do
	positionX = character.HumanoidRootPart.Position.X
	positionZ = character.HumanoidRootPart.Position.Z
	positionX = 0.5 + positionX/terrainSizeX -- convert this to a position scale on gui map
	positionZ = 0.5 + positionZ/terrainSizeZ
	positionX = math.clamp(positionX,0,1)
	positionZ = math.clamp(positionZ,0,1)
	guiMapCursor.Position =, 0, positionZ, 0)
	local Y = rootPart.Orientation.Y
	guiMapCursor.Rotation = -Y

