Making a proper train that includes inertia

I’m designing a little transport system for part of my game that includes a train. I want players to be able to ride it, and walk around in it. However, this is not possible with a system that uses Tweening/CFrame interpolation. How would I go about making this system that uses the physics engine instead?

An idea I had was using this CFrame/Tweening system on the wheel bases, and having two AlignPosition’s attached to the car that follow the wheel bases.

FYI, the track includes numerous bends and turns. Simply moving the train linearly back and forth is not enough. The model also doesn’t “fit” with the track on a physical level, so I can’t simply drive the wheels.

I believe you can create a simple minecart mechanism like in the post below then set it to a different collision group and make it invisible.

Then attach the real model onto physics minecart.


This is basically what I said in my post, attaching the car to the wheel bases and moving those with CFrame. Thanks though. I think I’ll go with that system.