Making a replay system that isn't laggy

How would you go about making a replay system that saves positions and or cframes of multiple parts/joints without causing lag? I’ve yet to find a way to do this and every way just causes the server to overload and become unplayable.


Not a programmer but, know a little bit about it, I would make the suggestion of making replays player sided(Records them using player’s rendering capabilities rather than the server’s) but that really matters on what you need it for!
:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: If that is even possible.
Probably utterly unhelpful but hey! Worth a shot, good luck!

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You will need to simplify things as much as possible, for characters just save the id’s of what their wearing, their hight modifiers then only save the positions every, what 0.2 seconds to save on storage and then use tweening to make it look slightly better.

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Not really, I’ve done this before but I find that once I start overriding older frames for newer data, it starts lagging like heck.

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If I might ask, what all are you trying to have replayed?

I’m doing this for a sports game so I kind of need a lot of data it can’t be simplified. But I will attempt to use longer periods instead of using wait().

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you will have to find a way to simplify the data or else it will be alot harder to have go

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i see, would there be at ANY point having the server interact?

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Their is no reason to have the sever interacte with a replay

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You could probably have the server collect the data for the replay system while the game is going on, but the rendering of the replay itself should definitely be handled on the client.

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Hi, maybe this can help you:

It’s a Replay Module by @boatbomber