Making a universal usable vehicle with turret

How would i make a vehicel like this? is there any free model i could start off with?

trying to make a vehicle that stays upright, is easy to drive and reliable.

also i will want to put camera orientated turrets on it, so how would i add a turret on a car without it getting fling?

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To make a vehicle stay upright you can use Legacy BodyMovers or Constraints and toggle them with a keybind such as R so that the player can flip their vehicles in case they get stuck.
To put cameras for the turrets on it, you need to make a part and weld it to the chassis. After that, you can change the players’ CurrentCamera to the turret camera by doing something like:

local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local UIS = game:GetService("UserInputService")

local chassis -- path to your chassis

local currentCamera = workspace.CurrentCamera
local turretCamera = chassis.TurretCamera

local selectedCamera = 1

local function changeCamera()
       if selectedCamera == 1 then
               selectedCamera = 2
               currentCamera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Scriptable
               currentCamera.CFrame = turretCamera.CFrame -- changes the currentcameras cframe to that of the turret
              currentCamera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Custom -- changes the camera to default

local cameraKeycode = "C"

UIS.InputBegan:Connect(function(key, gp)
       if gp then return end
       if key.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode[cameraKeycode] then
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no i want the turret on the vehicle to rotate into the camera direction on the x and y axis


if possible without flinging or lag

In that case, you can follow what this person did: How to raycast from Camera [HELP]

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