Making Admin Commands inside SocialChat

Hello Programmers!

Im DragonDarkVader a Roblox Developer with almost 1.5 Years of Developing experience!

I need help making Admin Commands inside SocialChat.

Everything you need to know is in the documentation.


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This isn’t the place to ask people to code entire systems for you, as stated in this category’s rules.

Please do not ask people to write entire scripts or design entire systems for you. If you can’t answer the three questions above, you should probably pick a different category.

I suggest you either learn how to code, or hire somebody to do it for you. Don’t expect people to just do it for free.

Well is there any examples? it’s ok if not some whole code

Can we transfer Kohls Admin commands? How can i transfer total commands?

what is “SocialChat”, are you just talking about normal adming commands where you say things like /kick plrName. If so, I have 3 videos on admin commands, 2 on some admin commands, the third on making a Ban System, all the links are here:

@Cos the creator of SocialChat said its possible to add admin commands

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