Making Basic Admin Essentials list multiline

and uh on another note do you know how to restore the hover to see function with a textbox? works with a textlabel but not a box

I think that is separate code.

edit: found the issue! - it was looking for a textlabel not a textbox

This code? I think you need to move on to UserInputService which requires a LocalScript. Input is already handled by Roblox.

Oh, nevermind, this is the exit button code. My mistake.

oh wait - i think i got it

The solution was basic admin checks for items in the list/scrollframe not a template and adding a check for the uilistlayout fixed it, thanks to @SubtotalAnt8185 for the help!

*also on another note make sure you change the check from textlabel to textbox in essentials code to make sure the hover to view function is restored

enable automaticsize & textwrapped with autosize being set to Y and then add a uilistlayout and change the padding to your liking

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