I dont quite understand the question, but I think you are asking for a size limit on a different axis?
No like i unlocked the Y axis but it doesnt move because i think that its locked for example with the X axis you have the
local distance = math.clamp((mousepos-CharacterPosition).Magnitude,0,40) --Side to side
Line right?
Well the Y moves Upwards I think you want the camera to move backwards and forwards right? I unlocked the Z and it looks really good.
I dunno if thats what your looking for though
mousepos = Vector3.new(mousepos.X,CharacterPosition.Y,mousepos.Z)
local distance = math.clamp((mousepos-CharacterPosition).Magnitude,0,40)
This just caps the distance of a vector ( a line )
so it never goes past 40 studs in this case
if you have a tree somewhere in your sudio you can actually see the camera move up as you move your
mouse up the tree with the Y unlocked
Ah okay. Can i also make for example the X axis only goes max 40 and the Z axis 20? how can i add that
Thank you very much for everything mate!!
No problem I hope the game turns out well!
I changed a bit It works a lot better I suggest you change it a lil
I think its both smoother and I think i fixed a lil error
local xCap = 40
local zCap = 20
local new_vector = mousepos-CharacterPosition
new_vector = Vector3.new(
Hey is there any way to make this work in first person,
I’m trying to get it to work with
Player.CameraMode = Enum.CameraMode.LockFirstPerson
but it doesn’t work, its really buggy.
What I want to do is when in first person make the mouse move freely and be able to “look around”
Where should we place that as I also need that.
How do you remove this effect when you click a specific button and when the player dies it is reenabled?
Sorrry, I dont know how to do that. I think its really hard to change first person camera because the mouse is locked.
Im pretty sure this is where I put the script