Making the "Reset" button temporarily not do anything

So I’m working on this fangame of SB called (Slap Battles: Allusions) and after a while I realized that the anchored parts of the rock, or anchored attachments to the base parts of the character, result in the character not dying UNTIL they use the ability again. (aka going back to the normal character)

what I want to know, is how to make the reset button pressable, but not do anything, yet can be untoggled for things such as the “un-rock” function.

So far I’ve tried changing the type of weld, Un anchoring things and such to figure out what causes it, and now I’ve identified it, I disabled the reset button when using the tool for now, but that won’t work too well, considering I want the character to be able to reset when using “Rock” or the tool I’m referring to, but not when their ability, aka “Rockify” is active.

– The thing I posted to the sb questions for some reason –
“Diamond/Megarock/Custom and their features”
So what I’ve noticed is that when you try to reset with them, it allows you to press the button, but doesn’t end up doing anything, I find it quite strange as anchored parts attached to the character (a ROBLOX issue) will prevent the humanoid from receiving any form of action, such as death. (this is not a bug report)

so how do they do that? I’m asking in terms of LUAU script, so if there’s any experienced scripters who know how it’s done, it would be greatly appreciated if you let me know!
– Discussion below –

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Oh, and to be specific, the tool’s ability is in a server script, so is there some way to do it there, or do I modify the local script which fires an event already? (for things like firing a data table to server)

For context, just insert a bindable event, and throw it in like this:


Than, in another script you can do:

--do whatever you want

Edit:It has to be a client script
edit2: Fixed grammer

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So, what I do is call it from the key bind script (Client) and fire the data of the custom callback to the Ability script? (Server)

Nevermind this, I went and made bindables

used attributes to check for the status, made the second bindable mimic death and now it works!.. although the first check has a 5 second delay…

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