Yeah, it’s a quick fix which works. It’s not designed as a permanent solution by any means. I’ll work on improving this if need be but hopefully, Roblox release a fix soon.
Yeah, I’m very happy that they allow animations to play on the localplayer - I use it so often that most of my animation-based stuff would break if it was removed.
I tried this, but they are still bypassing by spamming the authorizedAnimations…
Playing animations for a local player via the server would be badin the first place, since ti wouldn’t feel responsive at all.
A lot of games are implemented having animations played locally but still letting other clients calculate what animation you should be playing for your avatar on their screen. This lets you have instant response time but you can’t take advantage of a trusted client.
I guess that is another - clunky - way of doing it.
I hope that this feature does stay however - there is so much I’d have to fix it’d be overwhelming.
No I mean this is how a lot of non-roblox games in the industry do animations. On roblox it’s replicated so you mightaswell fire it locally.
Oh right - Yeah
That’s exactly what I was thinking
So, just an update, I have not figured out about speed yet. So, I’ve resorted to using the old Roblox animation system back from 2008 and modified the current script above with new secret animation Id’s so they can’t be spammed - as they can’t find them easily.
So, I’d recommend using the Roblox animation editor, importing animations and exporting to make new Id’s
It’s the best I can do for the moment.
We changed the replication behavior of animations to solve this issue. Now clients can only replicate animations for Animator objects that are a descendant of their character. Let me know if this causes any issues.