May someone help me?

This sounds a bit vague, and it may help if you follow the format and provide more details as shown here:

To get you started with string manipulation (which may help with filtering as well), check this documentation: string | Roblox Creator Documentation

Ye one sec here

--Server Script
local LogService = game:GetService("LogService")

LogService.MessageOut:Connect(function(UnfilteredMessage, MessageType)
	if MessageType ~= Enum.MessageType.MessageOutput then
	print("Found Error")
	print("Send Event")
--Local Script
local Remote = game.ReplicatedStorage.RemoteEventLFE
	print("Got Event")
	if Message ~= nil then
	local Gui = game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui:WaitForChild("ErrorLogsForEveryone")
	local Clone = Gui.MainFrame.Template:Clone()
	Clone.Visible = true
	Clone.Text = "Problem: "..Message
	Clone.Parent = Gui.MainFrame

What does the output print as of now?

it prints errors/warnings/info but unfiltered

I mean, what do the unfiltered errors say in the output? I was looking for something like this:

-- the kind of error i was looking for:1: Incomplete statement: expected assignment or a
-- function call

but with the Player ID?

i think this will help Is there any way to catch errors in the output with just one script? - #2 by colbert2677

I already got error logs I just want to filter messages

by that what do you mean? can you clarify?

oh I think you didn’t understand by saying errors/warnings/info I mean output of roblox console

He wants the Player IDs out of the unfiltered error strings.

nope you didn’t understand I would like to filter text without player id

local output = -- the output
for i,v in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do
	local id = string.match(output,v.UserId)

i guess this may help?

lemme check if yes then i will mark it as solution

yea ok

nvm its not what im trying to do

I’m still unsure of what error you are trying to filter. A screenshot or a copy & paste of the unfiltered string would be nice.


nvm I already got but thanks for trying to help me

what do you mean?

I already did it by myself that what i mean