Maya vs blender

Hi, I am asking what is better, maya or blender, me and my friends like maya, but i saw many people use blender, so i am thinking, that i can try it.

  • Maya
  • Blender

0 voters


Blender is free. Maya is $1,500/year. That usually paints most people’s decision on this :slight_smile:

I use Blender for that reason. Arguably Maya is more of an “industry standard” but whatever. Blender is really good.


there is official free student version, that most people dont know about


Blender’s viewport is much better than Maya. Rigging in Maya is much better, which also makes animation better in Maya. Scripting is a bit easier in Blender. Maya’s VFX tools are, on the whole, better. So from my experience, I’d say Maya is better.


It’s intended for college students, whereas most abuse it by claiming they’re enrolled when in reality they’re not. it’s no different from pirating if you’re not being truthful about being enrolled.

It’s more of a personal preference, personally I prefer a free software rather than a subscription based service or resorting to diminishing my ethics by pirating. Free softwares allow 3D modelers to open their budgets to more important tools like plugins,tutorials. Whereas subscription based softwares you’ve got to be very cautious about your budget.


As a guy who models for personal reasons, a free service like Blender is the perfect option for me. I like to keep my intentions in mind when deciding on a product to buy/get.


this doesnt mean, that this group of people doesnt exist, and it is also for gramar schools, …

I use Blender myself because Maya is paid ($1500/year). You can learn Maya if you lie you are enrolled in college so you can get the free student version. However I do not recommend that because it must surely break some kind of Terms of Service or Licence Agreement of Maya. I recommend Blender. I’m still familiar with Autodesk stuff because we use Autodesk modeling programs in school so I guess I can use them at home as well xD but I don’t want to because as I mentioned earlier I use Blender.

Edit: it might even be 2000 euros at least here in Finland

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FYI you can’t use assets made in the student version of maya in commercial products, so thats the largest downside other than using it for practice.

I’ve been using Maya for probably over 5 years now (and 3Ds Max prior) and I actually switched to Blender 2.8 from Maya recently because it actually felt a lot easier to work with, plus I needed a way to animate stuff using the blender animation plugin. The UV editing in blender is still pretty meh compared to Maya but other than that it’s pretty great as far as I can tell. I disliked Blender before because it was okay, not great, but with the release of 2.81 I feel that it is finally getting viable in a commercial sense.

If you are pursuing some sort of professional game dev or 3d centric company in the future, Maya might be better in the long run since it’s meant to be industry standard. I definitely do think you should learn Maya while you still get the chance with the student version, but other than that, I recommend learning both to see yourself what you dislike and like, and go from there.


fusion 360 is what I would choose between all.

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This question depends on what your budget for your game is.

If you are on a limited budget, use Blender, since it’s free and should be useful for a game on a limited budget.

Or, if somehow you have a high budget and Blender isn’t enough for you, use Maya, since it is meant to be industry standard.


Hey @mistr88!


I remember making a response on this quite a while ago, if you’d like to read my thorough response here you go:

Post: [CLOSED] What is the best software editor to learn or do 3D Modeling? - #4 by BloodSpring

Otherwise here’s what you should grasp:


Most 3D programs work and create the same|similar quality of product. It all depends on how well you’ve mastered the program, how long it took you and how much you paid for it.

TLDR: All in all, you can’t go wrong, Just choose the one that has the ease of use and makes the most sense to you.

Response to your Question

Blender because it’s “free forever”, they’ve performed equally if not arguably better than 3Ds Max especially with their 2.82 release.

There’s so much talk about how Blender is not industry standard, they’re more than approaching it is the fact. With their program being freesourced it’s getting more plugins, more add ons to refine it that the developers working on the program can continuously ship updates and create more powerful tools.Versus, let’s say C4D which gets an update or two if you’re lucky a year.

Also if you intend on buying any program, make sure to check if they have a student version so you won’t have to front the bill yourself.

Last thing, understand that if you’re modeling exclusively for ROBLOX, Blender is a great choice because well…it’s free, it’s open sourced, it has all the tools you’ll need and it all comes down to you to work at it.

If you’re still confused read this (it’ll explain and juxtapose all the different programs you’ve mentioned and more): Maya vs 3Ds Max vs Blender | Which 3D Software is better?


I hope you’ve came up with your own conclusion and this post helped guide you to your own decision! Best of luck.

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Why did you choose to compare just Maya? There are a lot of 3D software out there. 3DS Max, Cinema 4D, ZBrush, Houdini, Modo etc

There is no 3D software that tops all 3D software at everything. We have to know what your use case is. There are SO many aspects to 3D development. Lighting, Rigging, Simulation, Rendering, Texturing, Modeling, Sculpting, Workflow, Customization, Animation, VFX Thats just scratching the surface.

because maya is software, that i actualy use and blender is most popular from what i saw here

Blender is most popular here because its free.

Probably not the best idea to limit yourself to the two (Autodesk offers 3DS MAX too), but if you insist like I said:

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Most of the avatar rigs in Maya is paid, in blender, it’s the opposite. If you don’t want to spend money on rendering, blender is the first choice.

for me i use blender becuase its free and it looks the best feels good to me and yeah thats the only program i know about but thats a bit to much for me cause im only 13 lel