How to make mech legs?

How would I go about making moving mech legs? I feel like animating would be very tedious. Let me know the best and most efficient way to go about it! This may be out of my league but I’m open to learning new things!

I can’t find any information anywhere on how to do this.

Like this by @dthecoolest


If you check out his featured post, it shows the method that he uses for IK.

Also, there is a relatively new IK controller object but I have had mixed results when using a custom rig.

When going to the tutorial I get this:

Same goes for the API. Maybe it moved?

EDIT: Nvm found it: (CCDIKController - Alternate inverse kinematics method for Motor6D rigs - #93 by dthecoolest)

I think what I need to do is make a custom rig and use an IKControl object for animating the legs?

I tried animating a custom rig but there doesn’t seem to be an IKControl setting?

I made a post on it here: