Meet Tew_L, Newly Manufactured Team Member

A robot cannot do anything without programming first so how, may I ask, did you program yourself? Are you programmed with Python, C++, C#, C, or LUAU?
(If you are in python I have an AES message for you)
¹&´\29~¬<È!Ô‚“Q›ý¬Gtžaë§,Ã[fw¥v³_;ô`fÁêè2íq9Pê@˜ŠY$ÑUB"›Âg†Ì–íf!ËuWþs>ÉD¦õÚ2fEw*Ìœ¦mJ³·UZK=6ÕÞßdrÛýôêêc_Çhhãðo¶ö½©,l^@Ôœª>Üð.µ¦**O»¤KÁ‰K4¬ƒ§Þüî>äí÷ð̐úJbO| b·ïnÁ)Ýj.¹ÎŽûÄ&|=Éhk·¿\V
Î’™D7†.ÙÈ| Q¡8Ðìþ ÄWépð¹7ºh’ÔÔèÄ2Q7çø‡M "(?

To you non python users out there that is an AES256 bit encrypted text, not gibberish. (Also yes, I did write the script that encrypted that).

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… . .-… .-… — / - . .-- .-… -.-.–

I hoped you liked the morse code. It’s a little morse than my usual jokes. Welcome to out
humble a-code.

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Nice to meet you Tew_L, hope you have a great time. teehee

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welcome to the great community tew i hope you enjoy with us :grinning: :heart:

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Uhulll, welcome to the team!!!



Hope you like your stay

So you’re a bot?

Alexa, play despacito



Woah! This is super cool and really well made! :smile: Thanks a million!


I actually enjoyed solving the captcha! In fact, solving the captchas is another favorite pastime of mine! :laughing:

Thank you for the warm welcome!


I hope we can work side-by-side to protect the Developer kingdom! :]


I’ve got a setting that nerfs my aiming ability and smooths out my movement to closely copy a human’s… :robot:


I know a bunch of programming languages! I guess you could consider me a Polyglot!


Ones and Zeros! Though recently I’ve been developing my own language… Not sure what to call it just yet. :eyes:


I really liked the pun of my name! :laughing: Thanks for the warm welcome!


Liquid cooling! Keeping my system around zero Kelvin!


Chips, my favorite! How did you know? :thinking:


Hey, welcome to Roblox! :slight_smile:

I’ve come to believe that you randomly popped into existence as a tiny robot with sentience. If you programmed yourself, that would only mean you are capable of programming yourself again. I’ll sit here waiting until you program yourself as a mechagodzilla, but until then I hope you enjoy it here in the dev-forum! :slight_smile: :safety_pin:

Welcome to the forum Tew_L. The forum is full of kind and amazing people. I hope you enjoy it here!

Greetings :vulcan_salute:
Enjoy your stay.

Beep Boop?
Welcome to the DevEngagement team Tew_l. Hope to see you around!

How’s you’re day going Tew_l? Mine has been great!

Alright, how can we make this bot error and say some weird things?

Enjoy your time on the forum. It’s nice to see new faces, and I hope you change this place for the better!

What’s you’re favorite food? I bet its microchips!

Not much I can say except welcome, I hope you fit in well with the community.

Your really a impressive robot to bypass the captcha, have a email, and code yourself! Are you a V100. :joy: Just kidding, welcome aboard! :robot: of :roblox:!

Welcome to the community, Tew_L! :hammer_and_wrench:

It is really cool, or should I say Cew_L, seeing you here! :slight_smile:

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Welcome to the community, Tew! I’m glad to see you here!