Meet the Teams: Roblox Hack Week 2023 Docuseries Ep. 2

Very nice changes are coming - If you leave out the subscribtion part.


Again: these are not necessarily coming. Most Hack Week projects are meant to experiment with what’s possible, not with what’ll be prioritized.

There are a hundred things you can do with textures and meshes, like emissive textures and texture recoloring as people mention here. But I appreciate them for doing some creative features instead of “boring” other-engines-have-it-so-we-need-it features.

When they hack together something like that, you’ll probably be mad that it’s not a real feature. Hack weeks are meant for mock-ups and MVPs outside the roadmap.


Man i swear, 600+ teams and it just so happens that the stuff we get featured are things that would likely have made themselves into eventual standard updates sooner or later if it wasnt for hack week (Except snowblox). There is no way in HELL that actual hack week worthy tech stuff magically weren’t good enough.

Snowblox itself isnt too bad of a thing though initially i’ve expected the guys to crack open the engine and add some crazy new snow physics and visuals. Yet what we did get is just stuff made within studio itself. Nothing bad on its own, quite impressive at that, though for a hack week project made by a team of engineers? I don’t know man. Hoped for something a bit more crazier.

The idea behind Roblox Live isnt all that bad though the moment you don’t think about the metaverse and think about the actual games then it starts to fall apart. This feature seems to me trying to reinvent the notion of people just going to random experiences and “trying them out”. Why not just actually try them out rather than spectate them? You could maybe say that this is for you to more quickly get into experiences except how much time would this actually save compared to just normally finding a game and joining it normally? Secondly how would the spectate feature work exactly? Each experience on it’s platform (at least more higher effort ones) work different from one another making this sort of universal spectate feature seem like a way to break games one way or another. Could this not technically be used for cheating too? Like having spectators tell players where enemy players are, seeing areas past the normal vision of any player, etc.

Everything else is corpo slop though. The rest is stuff that should have been part of the site, studio and whatever else by default (and if not they would have likely found themselves added sooner or later eventually).


I gotta agree, the quality of 2023 hack week pales in comparison to the ones before. This was a disappointment by roblox.


It’s better then nothing, it’ll be interesting to see how they done it even if it’s a mess. If it’s a temp solution until a bigger solution later down the line, I’ll take it. I’m not worried about having to redo my automation because new things got released.

I could learn new things, and hey, maybe we learn a new security issue or a new feature idea while I do it along the way I could pass some feedback to help shape the future of OpenCloud and to make it so we have external tooling and all this fancy stuff.

This is the reason I love beta groups, and I wish Roblox would do more of them. I’m not saying to make everything into a beta group, of course you can’t do that and we don’t need more exploiters (lmao). The discussion that goes on in beta groups are more productive and sometimes we (roblox staff and the users in the beta group) can discuss about how it works or if it works one way, then they’ll be open and transparent.

TLDR: There’s a lot to learn with events like these and beta groups, you might can learn a lot by how other people including roblox staff program things! :heart:

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A loading screen is required for that. That ruins immersion.

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Well, I think you’re pushing the limits of what’s realistically possible on the average device if you want the game to instantly load without any loading screen at all. It still takes time for your device to download the information for that game you’re teleporting to

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I wonder how fast the computer running that seamless teleportation demonstration was then.

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