Melee Raycast Hitbox

So I had basically a static hitbox before where I check angles between players and magnitude for my hitboxes but I want to switch to a more accurate system or atleast try it out myself instead of using a module and was wondering should I use attachments and cast out of them on the server from when the client starts the attack and sends to the server or should I raycast and get the hit player on the client and each time it the rays hit a player on the client it sends to the server checks magnitude etc then does the damage or will there be too much of a delay doing so since it has to wait for the server to check it then do damage?


I use this module and its pretty accurate, maybe try it out and of course deal damage through the server.

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Raycast Hitbox 4.0: For all your melee needs!
I referenced this to make my own module
I dunno if its the same as Zak’s, but this works great

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