Memory usage over 1GB! No way to reduce

Hello, I’ve noticed that as of recently. Some of my games, and games I’ve been developing suffered a HUGE increase in memory usage compared to previous testing & the testing i’ve done when pushing out some updates last month. I want help in reducing this sudden high usage, and avoiding it in the future. And also know, if it could be faulty code. Virus or malware alike.


I have looked for solutions over the devhub, but I really can’t tell what’s causing this massive memory usage. For reference, the last values I compared, which was when I updated my games were 700-800MB and 750MB-850MB MAX. Both games never crossed into 1GB. But now this happens, which I find a little concerning since I’ve gotten my first report of filtered devices.
I have disabled any scripts containing loops, I have removed entire chunks of the map. But all that’s ever gotten me was a measly -200MB of memory usage. When itself was already ~1280. Another thing is that Streaming IS enabled. And in a very aggressive fashion, set to opportunistic.
So. I’ve come looking for help, primarly if any other code or scripts could cause such a MAJOR jump. Or if it’s something to do with roblox itself.
Memory does not seem to constantly increase, but hang around certain values.

Do you have any while loops that are run very often, or heavy frequent calculations? It’s the main cause for lag. If you have big builds, try to keep the part count as low as possible and use meshes and unions where possible. In addition, try disabling StreamingEnabled and seeing if it has any effect on memory.

You can see what takes up the most memory by using the Developer Console and various sections. I recommend you to explore a bit in it (especially the Scripts tab), and you’ll quickly find tools to help you see what eats memory.

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Is this in studio or the player? Studio would take 1.5gb for an empty baseplate.

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Depends on the computer, installed plugins and render settings. Plus, OP says some of his other games only take up 700mb.

Streaming should reduce memory usage, no? Besides. This started happening in 2 games (Ones i’m testing), the one in the screenshot does not have streaming. And i’m able to confirm that without any script enabled, and without some heavier graphical effects I still reach 1,100MB of memory usage. The part count in this game isn’t by any means high, as well. It did not drop below 1,100 without any scripts. Take into consideration that when I made the current update, i remenber testing 700MB with, everything.

It’s the roblox player, testing in studio for performance is wonky.

Yeah then its probably the game itself and not roblox. Check on triangles, code etc.

The Roblox player was recently made x64 and upgraded with Byfron’s Hyperion anti-cheat system. The switch to x64 causes some internal memory to be twice as big leading to an increase in memory taken by the player. If your Roblox client got an update recently, that may be the case and it’s not your fault. I saw a post somewhere about this but lost the link to it.

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Do you think that’s the cause? If so, roblox should do more to set a new standard of memory usage. Because now, even an empty baseplate is taking up to 700-800MB where my entire games took that hah. I’m not sure if I should be more uneasy about this, or happy it didn’t straight up jump to +1,4Gbs. So, should 1,1 to 1,3GBs be considered the average now? I imagine that takes out a good chunk of midrange phones.

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Keep in mind that the roblox client for phones and PCs is different and use completely different architecture. But yes, you should adjust to the new standard now.

I’ve gotten similar results on both. the diference was 100Mbs or less. I’ll look a little more into this before closing!

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