Mesh imported from roblox into blender has see-through faces

When I export a mesh from Roblox Studio and import it into Blender, I find that many of the faces on the mesh are missing on one side, making it appear very distorted.

I’ve had this issue ever since I can remember and no matter how I exported it from Roblox, the same issue occurs.

Here is a picture of what it should look like vs what it looks like.

Note: The faces are only messed up when I go into Material Preview.
Also note: I exported my model from Roblox because I need it with my viewmodel, so just copying it from one blender file to another is sadly not an option.


Before exporting the Mesh maybe try to enable the option Double Sided

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I’ve tried that, sadly didn’t change anything

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Maybe here is a Solution.

the fix to this is relatively easy

step 1

select the object and you should see this icon

step 2

click it and once you click it it should look somthing like this

step 3

on that panel you see on step 2
scroll down on it and you should see this
once you see it click it

then you should see this

step 4

then click where it says alpha blend on

one you click it and you see difrent option click the one that says opaque


this is not going to be helpful if your importing your object back to roblox

Only animations I need, and it was totally impossible to make them with this mess of a mesh. Thank you so much!

robloxapp-20230611-1036485.wmv (2.3 MB)
this is what im assuming you are trying to acomplish?

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In the line of that yes, I was told my old viewmodel was too boring so now I have to make completely seperate arms for all this “fancy” animation work.

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