Personally if I’m giving someone advice on a thread I don’t really know if 1.) Its the advice they were looking for (sometimes due to weird wording of the post wrong advice can be given). or 2.) if they even understood the advice being given or not. I feel that sometimes if they don’t understand the post or it wasn’t the advice they were looking for then they might just look over it and ignore it. Tacking “Hope this helped” in my eyes might make them feel more obligated to reply to the person giving the advice letting them know that they weren’t of any help. This isn’t really based on anything, just how my lil peanut of a brain works things out.
I will occasionally put it if the original question is rather vague and the original poster fails to completely clarify after several attempts. When I use it, it means:
My answer is probably better than no solution, and I hope it helps you, but if it doesn’t - it’s due to a lack of clarity in this terrible thread.
I think the reason why you see it more commonly used by new members (yes ik im a new member dont bully me ;-; ) Is for the stat grab (I don’t think ive ever done this, at least not intentionally). I tend to find its only genuine when its coming from someone who does not have a kinda sad, lust to get likes.
I also tend to find its on the least useful replies as if to try and make up for how little effort they have put into it or how trash it may have been.
The third reason which may be the only instance where I myself may find myself saying it is when you are giving negative feedback towards say an asset on the marketplace and you don’t want public outrage and getting spammed for being honest so you say ‘Hope this helped’ to try and make it seem constructive.
This is just what I feel personally tho.
Hope this helped
It’s a conclusion for when I’m lazy
I use the phrase sometimes when I want to help.
Hope this helped.
But in all seriousness I use the phrase when I’m unsure if I’m being helpful as well as when I just want to be sincere. I tend to not use it very often (I guess it just seems a little unprofessional to me?) but there are times I do use the phrase.
I usually say it, if I say it. I might not say but be thinking it. Simply because maybe it’ll deter some people from flagging the post as spam. Sometimes the information I provide is not as informative or well collected. It’s something I’m working on, but it’s not a change that’ll happen overnight. It’s discouraging to see a post you tried your best to reply to get flagged as spam simply due to one’s own lack of ability to be understood.
I may use the phrase when I myself am not certain on the answer, not certain on the question, or use an example that seems related but not directly applicable to the question.
Basically, if my response is to provide partial or trivial information, or where the expected received value is uncertain.