Mfriesfriesmr1 Portfolio


Hello all I dont know about Roblox Dev Forum so no one report me please I’m not really sure to post this or if I’m aloud but Im making my Portfolio but I saw this is were you post on this video.
But lets start (Will edit as more exppreinced)

But Roblox Please Dont Ban or remove my trust level please if anyone knows where to post it tell me and ill delete it Roblox Same with you.

UI I've made

First UI Ive made I and its non scripted because I don’t know how yet not sure if I ever will know but I made what the credits would look like if I could script it to open

Made some time at 29/01/25

Ive made this Non Scripted made at 4:36pm 29/01/25

Really proud of myself

Ive made this at 30/01/25

30/01/25 11:23am
Telport UI

Made 3:14pm 10/01/2025
Code UI

Admin Pannel 27/02/25

The amount of experince I have is 1 day and if you wish to contact me add me on Discord user is:

Games I’ve worked on
