Microprofiler Gaps

I am trying to improve performance for my game, specifically framerate drops when certain actions are taken. I believe the microprofiler is the right tool for the job, but whenever I look at a large spike in frame time, there seems to be a massive gap in what is recorded.

Example pictures

Is this a bug or am I not using it correctly?


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By scrolling in or out, the gaps become larger. Or are you talking about the missing data/frame parts? Try seeing if opening and closing to constantly causes it to happen, it might be a visual render type of dealio.

If that doesn’t change anything, Implement simple systems to reduce rendering times/frame drops such as LOD systems (Level of detail) enact this on all parts as well.

Reduce collisions on parts that don’t require complicated ones. Reduce part usuage if you can/simplify parts and take some time to optimize props.

And if you want to go REAL OVERKILL :man_shrugging:


Yes, I’m talking about the missing segments - the large gaps of frame time where operations are presumably happening but unaccounted for. I’ve retried the snapshot several times, and scrolling in and out doesn’t seem to help.

I already have a custom LOD system and I don’t want to take a shotgun approach based entirely on speculation.

Most of the issues seem to stem with render, physics calculations (I think), and other similar loops/processes that revolve around those. I seem to also be occuring to find noticeable performance/small frame drops for some reason?

However yes, there are indeed gaps in the microprofiler at times which seem to be maybe be a roblox thing. I guess it happens when you pause it or do certain actions as you’ve said before.

Ran into a weird issue that I haven’t seen :sweat_smile:

Still looking for some information on this. Will post a bug report if no one knows.