I don’t know what you mean, I only use midi2score. Opus you don’t need to use.
mb, Internally it calls midi2opus, I probably mistook that for what you are using as for the question I found some comments left by you that pretty much explains it lol.
Also quick update, the module is now x3-4 slower opposed to x7-8
If anyone’s reading heres some progress,
Nice, you should try uploading your own sounds like maybe a grand piano because that one sounds very chippy/8 bit like
btw whats with the noteNumber - 35, magically fixes the sound from being too high pitch. I cant push this out with magic number right…
What do you mean?
Event[5] - 35 the one in your code
This is what most Deltarune songs look like in FL Studio.
That specific visualization you replied to wasnt even correct
It’s to calibrate the note with the actual sound audio. The piano sounds a bit off-tune so that is just there to keep it norm.
what would it be for other instruments?
I’m not too sure, you can remove it if you want.
where do you get that number btw
The experience is private (at least for me)
should be public now, mb for that oversight
No worries. Anyways, i checked the game and the code for playing the Midi works just fine. I am not an expert when it comes to MIDi but maybe you could implement a feature that plays different sounds/instruments of the song, since most of the times a song isnt played by a single instrument. Lemme know if you need any help / feedback cuz im making a music game and i would really love have a feature that let you play existing songs (besides creating new one obv.)
I have a pretty big issue with this module. I wanted to use it to decode a MIdI file that i saved on the website file.io… However the module dosent work and it gives me this error: ParseMidi.MetaEvents:20: attempt to index nil with ‘Function’
Just published the new parser, should be working now although there are some or a lot of left over code i forgot to remove, it should be fine as I didnt call them yet. also some midi files causes notes to have a zero duration value, still working on that atm.
That great! Do you know where i can find it? Also do you think the issue could be caused by the link containing the file?