Migrate to TextChatService: Removing Support for Legacy Chat and Custom Chat Systems

i have like 100 games, there’s no way I’m loading every one of them and having to migrate there

You do not have to, ROBLOX will

Seems like me that this update is also trying to push everything through secured channels rather than remote events which I support. However, if that’s the case can you please provide some sort of proper guide detailing how one would go about translating the old api to the new api, given that custom UI is still allowed. A proper and detailed guide would be really helpful in minimizing time spent adjusting to this update (which could be a wildly painful task for many)

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Those starter places are completely unaffected if they are not using a modified version of legacy chat since they would be automatically migrated over without issue, so what’s the problem?

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You can disable the current UI and entirely overwrite it using rhe legacy chat UI: you just need to use the TextChatService APIs.


I have like a whole rant about these changes.
I’ve been on Roblox since late 2016, and never seen Roblox have it’s biggest Developer downfall.

This update just shows how Roblox doesn’t care about it’s developers. This update will break Old and Unmaintained Roblox games and they don’t even care about if their whole community is complaining about it.

Also the fact that failing to use this is under violation of the Roblox TOS? This is purely the worst decision that Roblox has decided to make compared to the Chrome UI.

Of course, the whole reason for this change is because of Parental Controls for parents so that they can prevent DMing people directly from games. Yeah. Who would have ever seen this coming?

And also the fact that Roblox is also saying you can’t even use your own custom chat, like BetterChatV3, SocialChatV2, etc. is downright outrageous.

Sure, this is fine as there are many alternatives, but for people who rely on this feature, it’s a problem, and believe me, I’ve seen a lot of people using this.

The fact that ALL these API’s are being given to us is an insanely complicated amount.

This Migration should really be halted because after this update, we could be expecting a whole bunch of developers leaving.

And also to all the other Developers out there saying this is a great update, Think.


You can use your own custom chat, it just has to be modified to go through TextChatService’s APIs.


Well, they are relying on LegacyChatService, so it’s not going to be easy.

This will effectively break thousands of games which rely directly on LegacyChatService to operate. Unacceptable for you to remove this, while simultaneously not taking action on anything else critical on the platform!
I guess we’ll all have to make do with ExperienceChatMain, remove all implementation for custom chat features (all of which follow Roblox’s own experience guidelines), and replace them with this new, shiny system! One that is horribly slow, hard to manage, and difficult to work with. Totally unreasonable.


Would archived/private experiences be affected by this as well?


I have, for one, been very appriciative of the way Roblox has been handling things like this in recent years.

I am a 2008 Roblox user who used to have a top game back in those olden days and I don’t actively develop anymore. I occasionally play around with some code but I do not actively work on anything anymore. I’m sure at least one of my old projects involved a custom chat solution of some kind and I’m not going to dig for it, I greatly appriciate that any of my experiences that still exist as published on my account can simply be de-listed by Roblox if they don’t comply.

This kind of moderation is extreamly important in my view for preserving legacy content on Roblox. Understandably times change, and policies change, and I appriciate not holding innactive devs responsible when simply de-listing the content is possible.


They aren’t you can use TextChatService in custom chat.

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Ngl the amount of people not picking up on this is insane.

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Insane that you lack the understanding of how hard changing the underlying implementation of a custom chat system from LegacyChatService/Custom to the TextChatService with a lot of limitations is.

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As a programmer, no for me it’s easy, and any of the existing custom chats can easily update their code to match. And regardless what they are saying is wrong Roblox is not out right banning custom chat you just have to use TextChatService to moderate and control it.

I defiantly do not favor this idea. The current TextChatService isn’t very customizable and it’s honestly quite clunky, big and ugly. Almost everyone opts for this in the clanning sphere due to this and pretty much all custom chats made are based off of it. I get that this will be pushed forward in 2025 so we have time to change things, but it is still quite a dissatisfying change to see.

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They’ve given developers a 3 month heads up, if you can’t figure it out in that amount of time then that is fully on you.

I have created my own chat system before, shown it many times even to a Roblox admin, apologies if that sounded rude but I quite dislike when people underestimate a certain amount of work it takes to get a system like this to work.


Difficulty is subjective, one thing hard for others might be easy for someone else. Vice versa. People have different strengths and weaknesses

Even if it is easy it still depends on what code you have written beforehand. it might just end up being tedious and if developers have to re-allocate time to work on this issue there’s an opportunity cost so I hope you can at least agree that is a major inconvenience. Not looking forward to migrating a custom chat that I need to figure out how it works cause someone else wrote it even if it is easy.

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