Once again, how exactly am I supposed to port this over to TextChatService?
The special game headers are one message using RichText, and have no owner player. It appears that I can’t pass certain toggles or anything that indicates that a player deserves a special chat tag or chat color.
This, along with the fact that TextChatService adds some serious memory overhead (all of this just for text, btw) to my game makes this look like some kind of rushed move to introduce some kind of intricate system to collect more telemetry at the expense of the developer.
They aren’t moderating experiences, but they’re doing it to experiences that are breaking guidelines and using legacy chat to make unfiltered messages as an example.
I don’t mind this update but I feel like we should’ve had know about this a bit more ahead of time even if some of the features we have now weren’t ready but that’s just me.
This is a terrible update. I have broken my back making a custom chat system that allows for MANY for features that TextChatService, properly implemented TextService chat filtering (TextFilterResult:GetChatForUserAsync) and built a moderation system…
Only for all of my progress to be halted because of this terrible change.
Please AT LEAST allow properly filtered custom chat implementation.
local function CreateWhisperChannel(playerObj, player2)
local directChat = TextChatService:CanUsersDirectChatAsync(playerObj.UserId, {player2.UserId})
-- check if we have any eligible participants
if #directChat > 0 then
local directChannel = Instance.new("TextChannel")
directChannel.Name = `RBXWhisper:{playerObj.UserId}_{player2.UserId}`
for _, participant in directChat do
directChannel:AddUserAsync(participant) -- Errors here
directChannel.Parent = TextChatService:WaitForChild("TextChannels")
return directChannel
warn("Could not create Direct TextChannel. Not enough eligible users.")
return nil
Errors at the API call TextChannel:AddUserAsync(participant), am I doing something wrong? TextChatService.ChatVersion is clearly set to TextChatService
Edit: The fix was parenting the TextChannel First, and then doing AddUserAsync
Why is team create chat being removed, even though it has gotten faster and more responsive in recent years, still quite a bit of people like I use it.
Team create chat could just get a lil overhaul and itll be good!
In Adonis we override the ShouldDeliverCallback but we don’t log chats through there for administrators, only via player.Chatted which still seems to be something the client fires, so exploiters can get around chat logging.
Of course we can log via the callback but we do offer a secondary method that allows developers to turn this off and we use a secondary method for muting players.
Please we need a dedicated server-invoked event to fire when a message is sent at all! Would greatly appreciate it.
Are you guys planning on adding support for removing players from a TextChannel, e.g. TextChannel::RemoveUserAsync? (as far as I can tell, destroying a TextSource does not work as expected) also appears removing channels is not handled in your default core UI.
A good example of use cases for this are temporary channels, such a party channel or a channel that’s only used in certain cases such as being in a certain part of a map.
@sizquirt@oofman9009 we are enabling the ability to attach comments & replies directly into objects in the 3D viewport in Studio early next year. We believe this will better meet creator team needs when communicating within Studio. Do you expect chat use cases that are not met by the ability to comment within Studio? I’d love to learn more. Feel free to message me directly
Does anyone know how to make working commands in TextChatService? As I wrote earlier, I use custom emotes that are played via commands. The commands in the old chat work without problems (if you discard the messages about R15, since my game works for the R6 type), but they do not work in the TextChatService. And so I was faced with a choice: either write a script that will allow you to execute commands in a new chat, or create a special UI in which emotions can be played at click the button. I know the second option is a little easier, but I would still like to solve the problem with commands.
The new chat’s text size is actually larger than legacy chat. The problem is, Gotham used to be the default TextChatService font, but it was removed from Roblox and replaced with Montserrat, which is smaller than Gotham. So unfortunately every game made before Gotham’s removal has a very small chat text size now due to the font automatically being replaced with Montserrat.
When Gotham was removed, the default font in new projects became Builder Sans, which is larger. You can open up a new baseplate and look at TextChatService’s properties, and compare them to the properties in a place made before Gotham’s removal. I’d recommend updating to the new property defaults. (check TextSize and FontFace)
isnt it crazy how they give us 6 months to replace our chat but only 2 weeks to replace our sounds and tried to give us just 1 week to replace our hats