Migrate to TextChatService: Removing Support for Legacy Chat and Custom Chat Systems

What about games that rely on a custom chat to function and exist? Like Electron Chat App

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No, this update is not needed, Custom Chat? I need Custom Chat.


it’ll get abused by some game trying to report your account

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This is also a problem with the legacy chat, but as the legacy chat ui has a thinner scrollbar its less noticeable.
Shocking how a new UI makes zero attempt to fix the issues of the system it replaces, while adding a bunch of new issues at the same time.


not a fan of this, wish we could still use legacy chat, unless i misread or didint see something.

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New TextChatService does fix Roblox more than the legacy version. But I have a few complaints:

First of all, why are you guys flat-out FORCING this update to be applied on ALL games.

Second, there are THOUDANDS of discontinued games that need chat. And I’m certain they all use the legacy version.

Third, if you guys can’t force remove the legacy chat from games, why are they being banned. That is just stupid. Honestly just let the old games use legacy.

There is one thing I’m glad for and it’s the new things TextChatService can do. Gradient support was a needed and necessary change. I know lots of games (Especially infinite mining games) needed this. So that’s cool.


You must understand that roblox has to have some level of professionalism and if a game is not getting updated to the point where the creator cant even migrate to a new api, why should they put in the effort to support that game?

This is a bad idea it strips away the creativity of developers and makes the experence worse overall with more bugs than before.


I have a question for when you do this. Can you force an AI to rewrite all non-tcservice systems so that they use tcservice?

Games are NOT being banned for having legacychatservice, they will ONLY be moderated if they are abusing it to bypass certain things.

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Or how about this which is even better, both features added and team create chat gets a little refresh?
I’m pretty sure a LOT of developers would like that because having both would be pretty beneficial to dev’s who need to talk about scripting in the chat window but also need to leave a note on an area that needs rework.

Real quick, what even is legacy chat? I want to make sure I can fix any issues for a game that I’m making but I don’t understand. :person_shrugging:

yeah roblox thank you i want to use this TOTALLY RADICAL chat system that goes on life support if u type a message too fast while having low fps

cant let my friends forget to “grou” once im telling them to get together in an fps game because i lagged

and i cant let my moderators forget to use :receipt: once they want to do :re

fix ur chat and ill be doing EVERYTHING to use it :nauseated_face:


We miss LegacyTextChatService but please take this if you love it

@Roblox, are games that have chat turned off still prone to this update?

This is not a bad decision, have you seen all the chaos on Roblox? The parental controls addition to the chat helps the platform’s security.

Edit: Yes, while it may ruin all other stuff, that’s how it is. Everything changes.

I have an preserve of the Legacy Text
Legacy Text Chat reservation.rbxl (45.3 KB)

I think they could works after 30 april 2025


What’s the preserve for? Not really sure.

Why Roblox??

Absolutely all my RBLX files, all my Roblox experiences have TextChatService, but on April 30th nothing will happen


Is it mandatory? Or will people not be able to play your game at all?

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