I’m sorry if I seem confused, but wouldn’t age limitation be good enough?
Considering this is a parental thing, wouldn’t simply making Legacy chat and custom chat systems available within 18+ games make sense?
Is there a way to change the Text Chat limit from the default 200 characters? This is currently preventing us from migrating.
Chat frame & bubble customisation is too limited.
System messages see pretty much no customisation.
Fix this before pushing yet another buggy migration.
What?? I didn’t mean the platform chat LOL, what i meant is the “Chat” tab in the studio which is somewhat tied to Legacy Chat, here is the screenshot, for context i just want to know if it will be removed also, can anyone answer this please??
But how will older games function? I know a few games the developers can no longer update because they’re banned. And if this update rolls out, games relying on chat commands will no
longer function correctly. How will you fix this issue?
The issue for me lies in here, as these methods of filtering messages will no longer be supported. I was attemping to recieve and send messages on the server when my account got a warning for “bypassing the text chat filter”.
literally every game ive ever made uses legacy chat and I DESPISE the new chat system, its just disgusting in my opinion. I am not going through 500+ places and changing the chat system manually, and I’d prefer not to be banned over it
Yes, it’s a giant problem for migration right now.
Noooo Roblox, what are you doing? There is no reason to remove legecy chat
The problem with this text chat is that the server has absolutely no control over messages. The only control it has is deciding if a message is sent or not. I was surprised to see that we coudn’t even access Message History in a text channel (!)
I was expecting this to be a simple migration. Send it to a text channel, the server gets the filtered message and then it handles it. But then I realized that you cannot see the filtered message from the server.
And yes, it is important for the server to be able to read messages, so it can support our use case:
Let’s not forget the forced 200 character limit in TextChatService.
And let’s not ignore the part where this is forced because of “parental controls” but our game is 13+ (Moderate), PARENTAL CONTROLS ARE NOT AVAILABLE FOR 13+ USERS??
I think a good solution would be to either: continue using the LegacyChatService system, or create a system where the client sends a request to the server to chat, and then that request is sent across all clients to use in TextChatService after being filtered (and saved to a server chat log system).
Adding to this, I have relied on sending a copy of the message through TextChatService and the server checking if that has been sent. I have no idea if that is enough or Roblox will nuke the game for “misusing filter functions” ignoring the fact that it is literally impossible to access the filtered message from the server.
one of the main reasons legacy chat was removed was the lack of chat logs being readable by moderation… and legacy chat was filled with backdoors… abuses and more. what i dont understand is them forcing us to add useless parental controls for 13+ only games
What’s the point of adding this is Legacy’s being removed a few months later anyway?
Unless I can keep my old chat after adding this ‘CanUserDirectChatAsync’ thing
One thing that would be absolutely marvelous is if we had the ability to enable a resize dragger via the ChatWindowConfiguration instance. Just one more little bool property under the Behavior segment named “AllowResizing” (as well as additional properties for setting minimum/maximum size restraints while it’s set to true) and this will be perfect.
Any news on adding text chat to console?
Roblox needs to look into banning this game. Players can’t be officially reported for saying horrible things, and it uses a custom chat system. The fact that this game allows such behavior, and it occurs frequently, speaks volumes about its impact on the platform.
Roblox needs to not force this crap on us. ESPECIALLY IF WE HATE IT. How else are devs going to communicate??
When I attempted a form of this my account got a warning and strike down for “bypassing chat filter”.
Wait, they’re goign to issue a ban, warning, or whatever they deem appropriate if you don’t swap? I have like 80 different games under my account because when I was a lot younger, I just used to create a new game each time I wanted to open studio cuz I didn’t know the “edit” option was there. Now i’ll have to go into EACH FREKAING one to just change one button.?