Miner's Haven open-sourced: everything you need to make your own factory game

Update: I’ve released my other popular mining game Azure Mines as a free model on Roblox. This time around I specifically designed it like a kit to make it easy to edit and remix for people that don’t have advanced scripting knowledge. Theres no license, go wild and do whatever you want with it.

Edit: If you are using the kit you can join the Infinite Mining Games Discord for scripting help, kit announcements and to share your creations or to check out what others are making! Infinite Mining Games


Cool! thanks for the kit. Love your games, I’ll probably use it a lot.


Nice! But i got a question, we can use Modules instead of storing the ores data inside each ore? There is any difference when doing it? And what do you recommend me to use, Modules or values?

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This is awesome. As a diehard fan of both AM and MH it’ll be so fun to tinker around with these kits. Can’t wait to take a look!

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This is a first! I haven’t seen a major developer do this, unless it was from the Games team in like 2014. Cool!

I remember when I used to play Azure Mines,I loved it a lot and spent a lot of my time on it.Sadly a developer can’t update his old creations forever, everything must come to an end. The good thing is that with this kit, people might create cool games and continue your work.

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I build own Miner Haven Construction Kit.

Yes, I made a fan game of Azure Mines, but I have one issue on it:
I am trying to make it unique by each time somebody joins, the gift can be different from the blue-yellow gift. These are the gifts I mostly put:
and this one:
I am trying to find a solve for this one.
Can anynody give me how to make this thing I explained unique?


The mining kit is slightly broken. Both of the pickaxe scripts look for “stats”, a nonexistent child of the pickaxe

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Would like to change certain player stats, how can I do that?

How do you add halloween themed items like the current MH has?

You will need to find them on the Roblox library if they were submissions.

If they put it out as a Free Model, anyone can use them. They should not be getting mad if they put it out there for everyone.

Is this game in R6 or R15? I can see that the animation are both R15 and R6

Miner’s Haven Open Source Directory Search Plugin

I wrote a plugin for anyone using the open-source Miner’s Haven game to use. It includes features for searching, sorting through, and finding items via their rarity, name, or ID. It’s incredibly easy to use and even includes built-in support to let you know when an item’s ID is too high (skipped a number) or is a duplicate of another ID. (see below)



The UI is incredibly user-friendly for ease of access and even highlights items based on their rarity. I’ve also made it so that if you click on an item, it will select that item’s model in the explorer so you can easily go to it.

Feel free to use it for yourself (for free!) here:


How do you set the placement system up? any one had luck?