before you flame me for not reading a topic about this, please read!!
i’m currently having a dilemma whether i should include a minimap in my game or not
i’m a bit hesitant to do so, because the map varies with each map match*
to understand it better, here’s a masterpiece of a drawing:
Typically most minimaps are rendered with ro-render v3, but in your case since you have dynamically moving structures, you would have to resort to viewport frames, which take a model of the map (can be less detailed if you want a higher performance),
In order to get the textlabels to be at the same place however, you can result to using blips for your minimaps. In order to do this, you can create an extra frame on top of your viewport frame, and add textlabels that change relative to your position on the map, if your minimap is static when its full screened however you don’t really have to do much, you just have to initialize the positioning.
If you want to make it from scratch I would suggest looking into how to make the positioning of the textlabels relative to their 3D positioning. Another suggestion I can give you is to use Plums Minimap which will save you a lot of time if you don’t want to spend it on making the mini-map yourself.
if i’m going to be using BillboardGuis (which i probably will be), can’t i just use the PlayerToHideFrom property to make the billboards invisible for the player, but visible for the camera?
that… won’t work, will it?
because i had the idea to have these really big BillboardGuis at the top of every single structure/poi, and have a camera above the map that just sees the billboard guis, but the player doesn’t (via PlayerToHideFrom)