[MISLEADING] Guide To Resetting a Roblox Profile

DISCLAIMER: This topic is like an clickbait youtube video, you can check out this post I made for proof.

English - Polski - Русский

Why I Made This

Okay, so as we all know, There is no way to reset the profile picture, but I didn’t found a misleading way on how to do it

Here is the real story, I was looking for some “You should reset character NOW!!!” kaka v420 clips, and I found this video, but I checked and thought it worked, and I said “This is a helpful tutorial, I feel like it would be useful if I bring it to the Developer Forums”

The Associated Bug Report

Let’s hope roblox acknowledges this bug :pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2:

1. Inspect Element

You would need to open Roblox on your browser, which is only needed for the inspect element console to work

DISCLAIMER: This part doesn’t work in mobile due to the fact that this requires inspect element which is unavailable on mobile browsers, There are some workarounds provided by @icymanred and @Synitx, but workarounds aren’t always efficient

2. GitHub Gist Code

You would go to this Github Gist for the code, or use the one I brought here

the GitHub Gist code
// doing ajax because easy csrf handling w/their middleware lol
  method: "POST",
  url: "https://avatar.roblox.com/v1/avatar/thumbnail-customization",
  contentType: "application/json",
  data: JSON.stringify({
    "camera": {
        // Ranges are inclusive.
        "distanceScale": 2, // 0.5 to 4 (Closeup) 1 (FullBody) - Camera distance scale from the avatar
        "fieldOfViewDeg": 30, // 15 to 45 - Camera Field Of View (FOV) in degrees, slight effect
        // xRotDeg used to exist here.
        "yRotDeg": 0 // -60 to 60 - Camera Y rotation in degrees
    "emoteAssetId": 0, /* The assetId of an emote you own. 0 for no emote. 
    * example: 3696763549 in https://www.roblox.com/catalog/3696763549/Heisman-Pose
    // idleAnimationAssetId used to exist here, it has since been removed.
    "thumbnailType": 1 /* The thumbnailType
    * 1 = Closeup (headshot)
    * 2 = FullBody (bodyshot)
    Closeup and Fullbody can have separate configurations.
}).then(data => console.log(data)).fail(error => alert(error.responseJSON.errors[0].message));
// Logs `{success:true}` if success or website alert if error.

Right Click and then Press “Inspect Element” or press F12 to open it, but if you’re on a laptop keyboard, You would have to press Fn before pressing F12, then You would need to open the console and paste the code, but if you are redirected to an error page, don’t worry! it will still work regardless of the page!

3. Modifying the JSON

You would need to change the "distanceScale" to 1 as that is for the default profile picture scale, but be sure to keep the "emoteAssetId" to 0 so you’re not using an emote in your pfp!, You can pick the "bodyType" from 1 or 2, if you’re curious, you can check this:

BodyType Types

  • 1 is for Headshot
  • 2 is for Bodyshot
This is what your code should look like
// doing ajax because easy csrf handling w/their middleware lol
  method: "POST",
  url: "https://avatar.roblox.com/v1/avatar/thumbnail-customization",
  contentType: "application/json",
  data: JSON.stringify({
    "camera": {
        // Ranges are inclusive.
        "distanceScale": 1, // 0.5 to 4 (Closeup) 1 (FullBody) - Camera distance scale from the avatar
        "fieldOfViewDeg": 30, // 15 to 45 - Camera Field Of View (FOV) in degrees, slight effect
        // xRotDeg used to exist here.
        "yRotDeg": 0 // -60 to 60 - Camera Y rotation in degrees
    "emoteAssetId": 0, /* The assetId of an emote you own. 0 for no emote. 
    * example: 3696763549 in https://www.roblox.com/catalog/3696763549/Heisman-Pose
    // idleAnimationAssetId used to exist here, it has since been removed.
    "thumbnailType": 1 /* The thumbnailType
    * 1 = Closeup (headshot)
    * 2 = FullBody (bodyshot)
    Closeup and Fullbody can have separate configurations.
}).then(data => console.log(data)).fail(error => alert(error.responseJSON.errors[0].message));
// Logs `{success:true}` if success or website alert if error.

4. Triggering The Code

You would then hit Enter, if it’s successful, then refresh the page! you can check if there’s any errors in the console, but if it errors, then try again until it is successful, then refresh the page, and there you go, now your profile picture shouldn’t be back to normal

NOTE: Some people are facing issues that their profile picture isn’t loading, if it isn’t then be patient! it will work as you are patient

though it would’ve been better if roblox has an official way, but this is the current workaround for resetting it, but as mentioned above, workarounds aren’t always efficient

Have a great day!


hello, i tried but my roblox profile picture is just blank now… it doesnt even load

just wait, then it will load (i had the same issue but i waited and it worked, but I will point it out in the post)

EIDT: now its loaded


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Unfortunately, this does not actually reset it. It gets somewhat close, however neither the new profile picture editor nor the inspect page can (as of writing) reset the picture anywhere near how it was before. Really hope they add some way to achieve this, I know that I (and many others) would definitely use it.


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to me, that doesn’t look close tbh

also you provided a third party tool that doesn’t work in iOS Devices

dawg, that is the default picture. You good?


How is this useful at all? If you’re trying to reset forums picture, just log out and in. If you’re changing it on roblox, just change your character? What’s the purpose of this?

That’s not correct, even if I change my character, it’s still the same, (I have tested it in many avatars and still didn’t work)

though this tutorial is an unofficial method of resetting the profile picture without changing your character, and people usually like to keep their character the same

also this is unrelated to the forums

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You need to hit redraw avatar then.


That quite literally is a button…

bro I am so dumb but thanks for correcting me, it’s only in the website unfortunately :confused:

Someone literally just sent a video of the default button on mobile… You also said yourself that you can’t inspect on mobile without third party programs.

The ‘default’ button on the mobile app is misleading, it does not reset the profile picture.


Ah. My bad, the video from

that reply looked like it.

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That’s incorrect, I followed @Synitx’s method and it didn’t reset, it’s stuck like this in R6


when you compare it to an account that never used the profile picture update


@TimeFrenzied That video is misleading, if you change your body type to R6, then you’re stuck like this


also I don’t find any third party programs that lets you do that in iOS, Android have but i don’t trust it due to their trash security in apps

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This doesn’t actually reset the profile picture…


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we arent talking about the devforum profile image


I remember I was testing it out while it was in beta and now I’m stuck like that too. I like warn my friends who try this feature because it can make then end up like this too.

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I used some of the code in the console to restore the headshot but it works for only r15 and if you’re hats arent raising your camera up above your head. But unfortunately, I couldn’t get the old fullbody shot back so,