Missing Developer Crown

Hello Roblox,

It’s been over 6 months since the developer crowns got released. The criteria to get the “Black Iron Crown of O’s” is over 1 million monthly active users in your games, and i haven’t got the crown yet. I have only received the purple one and that’s was it. For over 6 months after reaching that milestone multiple times.

Expected behavior

I would like my account to be checked out manually as the automatic system that was giving out the crowns didn’t really seem to worked out for me. And i would like to receive the “Black Iron Crown of O’s” on my account.

Page URL: https://www.roblox.com/users/1333636279/profile


I have checked out the official Developer Awards thread and in their FAQ section, it has some information which might be helpful for you:

They also made a Phase 2 thread which says in their FAQ:

Hope this helps out.


The developer awards program has been effectively halted. The devawards@roblox.com email will not respond to any inquiries.

I will be making a large post next week asking for the program’s return.


I’ve made the post! If you wish to have the dev awards program brought back, give a reply & a like to this post: