Mobile Car Tilt Controls

Earlier this month, I posted some code for mobile controls in my Bumper Cars game. Since then, the game has been rescripted and organized to cause less lag, fix a few major bugs, and make way for upcoming features. Included in this update, the mobile function in my script has been redone, and I would like some feedback from others on its efficiency:

local accelerate = false
local turn = false
local EnableGyro = coroutine.wrap(function()
	while player do
		local delta, cframe = UIS:GetDeviceRotation()
		local degX = math.deg(cframe.LookVector.X)
		if math.abs(degX) >= 10 and not turn then
			turn = true
			Device.input(tostring(degX/math.abs(degX)).."T", Enum.UserInputState.Begin)
			Device.input(tostring(-degX/math.abs(degX)).."T", Enum.UserInputState.End)
		elseif math.abs(degX) < 10 and turn then
			turn = false
			Device.input("1T", Enum.UserInputState.End)
			Device.input("-1T", Enum.UserInputState.End)
		local degZ = math.deg(cframe.LookVector.Z)
		if math.abs(degZ)-10 >= 10 and not accelerate then
			accelerate = true
			Device.input(tostring(-degZ/math.abs(degZ)).."A", Enum.UserInputState.Begin)
			Device.input(tostring(degZ/math.abs(degZ)).."A", Enum.UserInputState.End)
		elseif math.abs(degZ)-10 < 10 and accelerate then
			accelerate = false
			Device.input("1A", Enum.UserInputState.End)
			Device.input("-1A", Enum.UserInputState.End)

This function is contained in the module script and run on mobile devices. The Device.input function fires a RemoteEvent signal to the server, which then updates the variables in the car engine server scripts.

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This is really quite unperformant. You’re utlizing lots of if statements instead of planning out a smart way of handling it. Try using to make an efficient system that works well without more than a couple if statements. If you have repeating code why not bundle.

For instance:
Instead of Up = Boolean, Down = boolean have UpDown = Boolean (True = up, False = down).
You also have a lot of UserInputState’s with .End and .Begin being repeated and repeated. This could be condensed to Enum.userInputState[value] or to a seperate function so it’s not repeating constantly.


Thanks, the code has already been updated since this post was made… (actually everything is in the process of being rewritten now anyway, so this along with a few bugs which have been reported will be fixed on the next update)

Nevertheless it is still a bit messy and does need fixing up. I’ll make sure to prioritize that more, thanks for the suggestion.


I highly recommend you do not shadow the UserInputService name. I’d recommend making UIS UserInputService and naming your module appropriately, such as InputModule or something similar.

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As I said before, the code has been updated since this post was made. The module name has already been changed.

I will update this post tomorrow (if possible) when the next update is published.

Edit: The update will be posted here, I will still fix this post once it is done.

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Awesome, looking forward to it.

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