Mobile Joysticks behaviour change

Reproduction Steps

In our game if you join on a mobile device you’ll notice that your camera will move even when you use joysticks to move around, this behavior wasn’t present before the recent few client updates.

Game link: SCP: Foundation Roleplay - Roblox

Expected Behavior

When using joysticks to move around your camera will stay in its place

Actual Behavior

Your camera thinks that you’re not using joysticks thus it moves around everywhere


Rework whole camera system?? It’s possible to detect if your thumb presses on where joystick area is however shortly after if you wanna rotate your actual camera you won’t be able to

Issue Area: Engine
Issue Type: Other
Impact: Very High
Frequency: Constantly
Date First Experienced: 2023-02-23 20:02:00 (+00:00)
Date Last Experienced: 2023-02-25 00:02:00 (+00:00)


This basically happens to all scroll frames as well, we are using a custom camera system for our game.

Is the game in the recording using a custom camera? If not, this is a known issue for Roblox’s Camera, it has been reported somewhere in here.

(Not the same issue, but related)

Yes, we utilized BindAction in order to handle our camera and recently had to switch methods to using to a different method so that we could actually determine if when the player touches the screen whether the event was gameprocessed or not.

Strangely enough we haven’t had this issue until few days ago.

I just tried this on mobile, I can confirm that the “first” movement also moves the camera, but if you hold your thumb and then re-adjust the view (right side thumb movement) and keep moving, then movement works normally until you release your left thumb for movement and then-retouch to start another movement.

I tried the mobile joysticks in my game Shopping Maw 🤖 - Roblox and everything appears to work fine since the mobile app update today. Hopefully this is useful feedback for you. :smiley:

Hi, thanks for reporting this bug! It is an issue with a flag I turned on called FFlagUserDynamicThumbstickMoveOverButtons in the default player scripts. I turned the flag off while I fix the issue, so the bug should not be occurring currently. Please let me know if you notice any other related bugs!


I’m not the OP, but it seems to work on mobile properly when I tested it just now. :smile:

Yep I check and it seems to be reverted to normal cheers

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Hi, just to follow up on this: I recently turned on FFlagUserDynamicThumbstickMoveOverButtons2, which allows moving the dynamic thumbstick over PlayerGui buttons, and I made sure to sink the ContextActionService event. So, the camera shouldn’t move now when you move the dynamic thumbstick (aka mobile joystick).

Please let me know if you see any new bugs due to this change. Thanks!