Model Matcher - Automatically find & replace identical models

Model Matcher is a Roblox Studio plugin that automatically identifies identical and similar models to the one that you have selected, regardless of whether or not it carries a unique name. You can apply additional constraints like color, scale, texture, attributes, distance, and more to further narrow down the selection.

Additionally, you can replace identified matches with a desired replacement, this is particularly useful if you found yourself with countless of duplicate models, unnamed, unorganized, with a desire to finally put the Roblox package system to use, without spending entire day or more on doing it by hand.

Available on Roblox Marketplace for purchase: Download here.


No constraints:

With color constraint:

With scale constraint:

Replace functionality:



Well I can use this for my large maps if theres some duplicated models with the same position and propetries , this would lag in my Huge Maps

Can you elaborate? I am unsure what you are trying to say. Are you saying that my plugin would lag on your map? Have you given my plugin a try? If there is a performance issue I will fix it.