Modcall History doesn't works properly

I don’t see anything wrong with the script?

I think something wrong with this script:

What is this line of code for?

Is line 28
Why you need that??

It seems like it’s sending something to the player, so it might send duplicates. I don’t know exactly what the function does.

But how do i prevent duplicate?

What does it like send onto the client however?

Can I atleast have some code for that part on the client side?

Okay there one:

local data = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").RemoteEvents:WaitForChild("Modcall"):WaitForChild("Modcall_Data")

local event = data.Parent:WaitForChild("History")

data.OnClientEvent:Connect(function(msg, placeId, jobId, modcaller)

event:FireServer("Make", msg, placeId, jobId, modcaller)


This gets fired by Modcall script

The solution is this part is breaking it:

for _,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
		if moderators[v.UserId] or moderators[v.Name] then
			modcall_data:FireClient(v, t.Comment, t.PlaceId, t.JobId, player)

It sends it to the client, but then it’s forcing the mod to make another mod call, yet a mod call is already made.

You should remove that part.

Okay, I hope this one will help.

I still get the same problem:
Made a server with 2 mods, and a person – that modcalled

Why this keeps happening ;-;

Does it send twice or once in the modcall history? Does it also send on the modcall notification twice or once?

Yes how much mods in-game, then that much modcall sents

Modcall history, modcall notification, or both?

Only mod call History
Sorry for long no respond I was AFK.

At this point, I feel like nothing is wrong. You removed the part I said, right?

Yes I did, and still, I got the same problem

You should also remove this part as well

I can’t, if i remove it the everything wont work.

I send modcall data to local script, from local script to modcall History.