Model pivots to the wrong rotation

It won’t change much if he just renames it so that it wont mess with any of the scripts. Or he can take the existing primary part if he has one and change its position to a spot where when pivoted to the CFrame, it is oriented correctly.

And why not use the PivotOffset? I never said the primary part would be an issue with the scripts, there is just no need to make a new part.

Im not saying you can’t I am just saying that changing the position and rotation of the primary part can do literally the exact same thing. Also it doesn’t take tons of effort to make a new part.

But it creates a new part? So PivotOffset is intended for use with :PivotTo() and doesn’t require a new part. Please stop arguing, this is not what the DevForum is for.

I am not the one that started the argument. I wasn’t even talking to you.

Never accused you man just stop responding,

Examples of changing the primary parts position and orientation if you have a primary part.

Without PrimaryPart:

With PrimaryPart:

Now I am not saying you have to use this approach, but you can if it doesn’t seem like it would be too tedious. You can see in the video that it is an easy way to set where you want it to pivot to without having to use any numbers at all.


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