Model Tween (Position,Orientation and Scale)

Thanks for this addition! This seems very useful for any projects I’m making! :grinning:

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How would I make it tween the size of a whole model while excluding some parts, if their name is something? (ex: part.Name = hitbox)

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I just can’t explain how AMAZING this resource is! This really saved me so much time while making my project. Thank you so much!

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Excited to see what I can accomplish with this, thank you so much!

I absolutely love this module! This makes everything so much easier!

this saved me so much timee, thank you for making this!!!

This is a neat module! A few things that I would suggest implementing in it:

  • Add a new method TMmoduleV2:TweenModuleCFrame(Model, Tweeninfo, CFrame) which basically tweens the CFrame of the model.
  • Add type checking for each method’s parameter so scripters can know what arguments they have to put to use the methods correctly.

Overall, nice work.


Amazing library, thought it was over for me, then I found this