Moderation system

good evening!

im starting this thread to ask for some more experienced scripters, especially those who have worked with or who have created moderation systems (i.e. chat filtering - ik there’s autofilter, but still - kicking, banning, server announcing, etc.) to give me some input on what i should focus on specifically if i want to create a moderation system. im not looking for anyone to like give me a full tutorial or anything, i just want to know where to get started i guess!

There are many ways to accomplish what you’re trying to do. Kicking players can be done by calling :Kick() on a Player which will remove them from the game. You can combine this with DataStores to create a ban system by saving banned players so when they join, they get kicked instantly. Server announcements can be made by sending messages in chat via a RemoteEvent fired to all players that displays a message. I believe Roblox is working on a moderation API at the moment to make moderation easier, but for the time being you will need to create your own system.


awesome! thank you. are there any resources through dev forum, or through other websites (maybe like the roblox doc, or a third party website) where i could learn more info about these things?

Here’s some resources I’ve found:
DataStores Tutorial
Basic Command System
If you have any questions, feel free to ask!

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ignore the last post i had made, if i wanted to add a custom kick message when kicking someone, how would i go about doing that? i havent been able to find a post to help me with that. here’s what i have, kick command wise.

local Commands = {
	["kick"] = {
		Alias = nil,
		Func = function(caller, arguments)
			local Targets = findPlayerByString(caller, arguments[1])
			for _, player in pairs(Targets) do

to be clear, it already automatically will kick the specific player for “bye”, but how would i go about kicking them for the reason the administrator gives? so if i said “.kick player get kicked lol”, it would show that, rather than a pre-set message.

It’s quite easy to achieve this. I have provided a code sample below, as well as improved some of your code by directly passing a player instance instead of a name. This is better because it eliminates the need for a for loop, thus improving performance. Make sure you call this function from the server!

local commands = {}
commands.kick = {
    func = function(target, reason)
        if not target then
            error("Expected a Player Instance")
        reason = reason or "No reason provided" -- the custom kick message

-- example usage:
commands.kick(game:GetService("Players").shifted_bit, "Test kick")