Money Exchanger not working (Repost)

[REPOST] bc the old post is too old so people didn’t notice, and no solution for the old post yet.

Hello again! Today I’m making a cash exchanger (like Cash to Gems)
but it doesn’t work…

here’s the script:

local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer or game.Players.PlayerAdded:Wait()
local Data = plr:WaitForChild("Data")
local Currency = Data.Currency
local CashValue = Currency.CashValue
local ResearchPoints = Currency.ResearchPoints

local Funds = script.Parent -- Button
local Int = Funds.Parent.Value -- IntValue

	if CashValue.Value >= Int.Value then
		CashValue.Value = CashValue.Value - Int.Value
		ResearchPoints.Value = ResearchPoints.Value + Int.Value * 5

all helps are appreciated.

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Any errors, did u try printing? Please give us more information about your problem.

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I tried using print() to find where it stops, it doesn’t print
and it seems like it doesn’t show any error at all, yes I already looked at the output

it exchanges research points using cash, 1 cash = 2 research points (the script shows 5 but i changed it)

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So it stops at the MouseButton1Click Event?

Oh, Idk, but it seems to be yes

Is this Local Script? You can not perform any changes for server on client side.

i tried to use ServerScript, it doesn’t work so I switched to LocalScript but it doesn’t work too

You must use RemoteEvents if you want it to work via server.


I tried that too, but didn’t work

Ohh lord… :smile: so… what you want to do is simple:

  1. You will create RemoteFunction/Event
  2. Call the Event from the Client
  3. Check and exchange the value in Server Script

I already solved someone’s problem with similiar issue.


Yeah like @ProBaturay said you should probably do this using RemoteEvents.

-- Client | LocalScript
local Event = -- Define RemoteEvent here
local Button = script.Parent

Button.Activated:Connect(function() -- You can use :MouseButton1Down if you want

-- Server Script
local Event = -- Define it here

Event.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, fundsVal)
  if Player.Data.CashValue.Value >= fundsVal then
     -- Do whatever you need to here

thanks, y’all. Finally made some RemoteEvent script to work! :smiley:

No problem I am glad that we helped you!:grinning::+1:

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