Money wont save

its not working ill tell you the script warning messages now
huh thats odd there is non

I have tested it right now and its working perfectly fine for me, make sure you have API Services enabled in game settings > security > Data Store > Enable studio access to API Services, if it still doesn’t work, test it in game not in studio.

image its always been on

I have no clue what’s happening then, it is working fine at least for me, are you using a script that is located in ServerScriptService?

yes the script is there image

Try to change once again the DataStore name.

ok i changed the data store name ill try again

ok im confused now ive done all of that i set it to 4k now its back on 10

can you send a screenshot of your output?

here image

Make a new place, publish it and enable API services and test if it will work

ooooo it was on 10 now its on 15

still didnt put it back to 4k odd

lol, that’s really really weird …

watch image image

perhaps, you probably forgot to change to server perspective.

if you want i can add you to the thing were the script is

If the numbers are increasing it means that it is saving

local Store = game:GetService("DataStoreService"):GetDataStore("coins")

	local Leaderstats ="IntValue")
	local Rank ="StringValue", Leaderstats)
	local coins ="IntValue") 
	local Key = "coins-" .. Player.UserId
	Leaderstats.Name = "leaderstats"
	Leaderstats.Parent = Player
	Rank.Name = "Rank"
	coins.Name = "coins" 
	coins.Parent = Leaderstats

		local sItems = Store:GetAsync(Key)

		if sItems then
			coins.Value = sItems[1] 
			local Items = {coins.Value} 
			Store:SetAsync(Key, Items)

	local Items = {Player.leaderstats.coins.Value} 
	local Key = "coins-" .. Player.UserId
	Store:SetAsync(Key, Items)

I wrote this out for you. Try it and tell me how it goes.

yeah the numbers are increasing