Moon VFX Exporter | Export animations that cannot be exported from Moon Animator!

It’s caused by recent update to moon animator, the file no longer named .xsixx which cause the plugin to broke. i updated the plugin so it should work again now.

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back out easing when exported doesnt work as intended

Really Cool, works just fine, and also saved me a lot of time.

Does the module works with ParticleEmitter ?
(Emit function ?)

I highly suggest using Moonlite!

GitHub - MaximumADHD/Moonlite: A WIP lightweight in-game player for xSIXx's Moon Animator

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i think the wrong in here is we cant modified the properties like the origin of cframe

i think the cframe is broken even though your animation is good

This is not meant to modify the animation, this is meant to playback animations I’m not sure what you mean.

i thought this is for making vfx and apply it to actual game

Is it possible to use this inside a tool? for example make the input be usable inside the tool instead of StarterPlayerScripts, as well let the animated parts stay on the player model

Edit: I’ve figured out how to use it with tools, though I need help with putting the effects on Player’s cframe

Hoi, it is possible to add sequences support? (if its not supported rn, i don’t sure)

There is a module for tweening sequences - Tweening Number & Color Sequences [v3.0]