Moon2Cutscene | Play Moon Animator 2 Files

Btw is the fn parameter, a function() parameter?

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Did an update for @spookwallyjungle

Yes that is a function parameter
you can use it as such:

new:createTask(50, function(self, map)
self.FPS = 30
print(self, map)

Note: instead of using the self parameter you can also do new.FPS = 30

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What other variables does self have in the function parameter. For example,

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Also, add the ability for attachtopart camera to work for this module

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updated to fix a small oversight

as for this, ill do it later maybe but pls elaborate on that idk how to use moon2


Fantastic module by the way. This is so good.


lol, putting a negative FPS value works i just gotta make sure it ends properly

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Update :

  • added the setFrame function
  • added support for negative FPS values

The snippet below will stop the cutscene at frame 100, after 0.2 seconds set the frame to 30 and after a second, resume the cutscene

new:createTask(100, function(_, map)

You can reverse the animation by doing
new.FPS = - new.FPS

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very epic indeed
ill be sure to try this soon


You just ripped off from this plugin.


Oh im so so sorry did Moonlite also rip it off?

I do not own Moon2Module and from what it seems its a plugin that converts a file into a module.
I do not do that i just read the file in run-time.
Heck this isnt even a plugin

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update: bug fixes revolving multiple properties under 1 object

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added createVignette function. Check code examples and documentation for more information.

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No actually! Moonlite had its first initial commit (or you could just say when it was made) on July 21 of last year. Moon2Module was made on May 19 of this year.

This is a great resource regardless! Very easy to understand and use, although if it were me, I would probably give viewers some pros over the other resources that people have made to do the exact same thing! Having to choose between two things that do virtually the same thing might confuse people, and they won’t know which one to choose! :smile:


While, yes the other resources were made first, i’ve made this module with the intent for it to be easy to implement into your projects, and most importantly, free.

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added the setObject function. Check code examples and documentation for more information.

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fixed a bug with the camera while using a map.

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bug fix with easing where it’d use the next frame rather than last frame
bug fix with constant easing where it’d wouldn’t run the frame due to fps
added new moon2Cutscene.subtitle function, check documentation and code examples

oh my god it works

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