More information about our DMCA policy

If I have lots of assets that can be taken down for copyright but they aren’t used anywhere (game is shutdown), is that fine or do I need to email roblox to remove them? I have thousands of card decals from a long time ago, not sure what I am expected to do.

I would write a script that goes between certain asset ids and generates a list of links of assets that you own in that range so you can send that through. Alternatively, if all the assets are on an alt account or so, you could just ask them if they can completely cleanup the assets of that account.

Realistically, you probably won’t get in trouble for them if you aren’t using them. It can still be DMCA’d against, but unless another user on the website starts using your assets in projects or they have a name that makes them easy to find for IP owners, it’s unlikely they’ll ever be found.


You know whats interesting. I own a group which could terminated due to DMCA and in contacting Roblox to see if something could be done so that would not be a problem in the future I was told that there was nothing that could be done until the company sent a request. I was also told by the respondent that they would not further converse with me on the matter. My problem is even then I am not certain what would happen to my community with it being above 10k+ members. I did not create the group I have been the owner since 200 members. The fact that Roblox would not even take steps to prevent the situation from brewing concerns me.


Did you ask customer support or developer relations? (might want to try the latter if you only tried the former)


Yes I did contact customer support. I have recontacted them as well. Hopefully I can get the issue resolved. Thanks for your input @buildthomas greatly appreciated. :grinning:


You shouldn’t actually receive a strike unless the rights holder to the audio sends a DMCA takedown request to Roblox, specifying they include you. If they do send a DMCA takedown request, then either you don’t actually have the license (except you just stated you do), or there’s been a screw-up on their side and asking them to retract it should work.

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Any update on this for you? I’m having trouble finding info on whether people had actually gotten assets removed yet.

I’m sure they just have loads to go through so it’ll take time, but I just want to make sure I don’t have to resend or contact support!

ROBLOX experienced problems with developers using copyright assets and have been held responsible for the content the community members have made. I am so happy this change came out. I am in favour of this in every way!

This problem has happened many times actually. Possibly never hearing back or the email couldn’t be processed. I haven’t used copyright assets however my friend used to so I know this from him. It would probably take a long wait for assets to be removed, however, you send an email requesting removal of that copyright asset, you just need to wait. There is no reason to be worried they would ban or terminate you under something that is their responsibility… I hope, they usually don’t do so well at that. However, just requesting a removal is fine enough to have it their responsibility to remove. That is pretty much all to be done.

Nothing yet unfortunately! Yes, lots to go through on their end so I’m trying my best to be patient.


Thanks for clearing up the copyright system so I can understand and comply with it in the future, I was not aware of this during my time of making a Bendy and the Ink Machine based game called the Ink Workshop, I was banned several times for it then later got my account terminated but I got it back somehow. :thinking:

Well, at least it’s a good thing, I missed this account and will comply with the DMCA policy in the future.

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Yeah, so having assets copylocked would be nice so other developers won’t have an assets stolen.

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Apologies for the bump, but it’s been almost a week now since I submitted a removal request.

When exactly will I get a response? I am getting a bit impatient with the response time.

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I’ve been waiting 2 months lol


I suggest contacting directly a staff member reporting the issue of your request(s) not being reviewed. However, you don’t need to worry as much unless a copyright owner files a DMCA take down request. However, if you feel it is beyond urgent, I suggest getting in contact with a staff member if your request hasn’t been reviewed.

I got a response a couple weeks back that they have received all requests but do not have the means to address them yet.

Like I said before in this topic, think months instead of weeks on response time. They’re probably waiting on an engineering solution or are blocked by some feature.


Alright, even better to hear. Thanks for re-addressing that since most of the developers were panicking.

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Apologies to bump this topic, but… Does anyone have a estimate on how much time a request takes to be processed?

I am really afraid of loosing my account just for a stupid mistake (in fact, multiple times) I’ve done in the past :sob:


This was addressed by Buildthomas two replies above. Due to the large amount of requests and the lack of appropriate means to address them, it may take months more.

According to the following quote, your account should not be at risk of receiving a strike for content you’ve requested to be removed. As long as you’ve sent it to the provided email, it should be fine.


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