Hello Devforum!
I am presenting a plugin I made in about a day, Reliable Renaming! I created this plugin after trying to rename some GuiObjects with F2 for it to simply not work, forcing me to select another instance in the explorer and re-select the instance I wanted to rename. This gets irritating after a while, so I decided to make a more reliable and easy-to-use plugin for this issue!
Fits in nicely with any other KasCode plugins in one toolbar!
Some usage instructions or tips:
- To disable the plugin, simply click on the icon named “Reliable Renaming” in the plugins tab
- To cancel renaming, either click away from the box or press Esc
- Press F2 to start renaming your first selection
- Press Shift + F2 to rename all selected instances (good for bulk renaming)
This plugin is also non-destructive, meaning everything can be undone/redone utilizing ChangeHistoryService
Please report any bugs you may find as it’s difficult to test every usage scenario!